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This article is a stub about WindProxy. You can help the Intruder wiki by expanding it.

A WindProxy can be added to a map to control the wind speed. The speed on the map will vary randomly between min and max. If you create a cloth object from GameObject -> Create Other -> Cloth, you may increase the size of the Flags array and add the object to the list. It will then blow with the wind.

IntruderMM Assets
Items Name
Prefabs BriefcaseProxy - CustomDoorProxy - DoorProxy - EquipmentManager - GlassProxy - GoalPointProxy - Keypad - Ladder - LockedObject - MotorProxy - Mover Parent - NoteProxy - ObserveCamProxy - Pickup - RandomGunPickup - RandomItemPickup - SecuritySetup - SlidingDoor - SpawnA - SpawnB - WaterLevel - WindProxy - ZipLine - Limits
Scripts ActivateActivator - Activator - AdvancedMaterial - AnimateColor - BriefcaseProxy (Script) - CustomDoorProxy - CustomLevelSettings - CustomMapSkins - DestructibleProxy - DoorProxy - EquipmentManager - GlassProxy - GoalPointProxy - GravityProxy - HideOnStart - KeypadProxy - LayerProxy - LockedObject - MaterialManager - MotorProxy - Mover - NoteProxy - ObjectiveTabSettings - ObjectTagger - ObserveCamProxy - PickupProxy - PlayAudio - ReplaceAll - ResetProxy - ScrollingUVs - SecurityRoom - SecurityScreen - SetTagsAndLayers - SoundSettings - TimedObjectDestroyer - TuningProxy - WindProxy - World Screen Object - ZiplineProxy
Level/Maps Target - SniperRange - Demo