Intruder V87 – Riverside Refresh

Intruder V87

Intruder version 87 is out now and it is beautiful.

Two intruders in the basement
You can shoot out that light now…

The focus of this update was making Riverside look ‘nice’.  I’ll go over the changes one-by-one and leave the complete change-log at the end. First, you should see this prettiness for yourself.

  • Totally NEW RIVERSIDE lighting and reflections

Before, we would occasionally get comments from people with oddly calibrated monitors saying that parts of Riverside were too dark. Now, not so much.

There’s a bunch of new lights, plus light bulbs and shrouds for a bunch of old lights that seemingly came from nowhere. Even the lights that look the same have been remade completely from scratch.

Old B1 hallway
Old version – Where are those lights coming from? Yucky
NEW B1 hallway

With proper reflection probes, all objects reflect the world around them. They add light and visibility and generally make the world look much more real.

Example screenshot from the game with reflections disabled
Without reflections
Example screenshot from the game with reflections enabled
With reflections. Much nicer!
  • New and modified Riverside materials
  • New and modified Riverside props

There’s too many small material changes to list but you will definitely notice new carpet, (some) new walls, new tiles, new glass, new metal ‘bits’, and a cool little planter feature wall in building 2.  Generally, prop reflectivity and specularity have been tweaked to complement the new lighting for your viewing pleasure.

  • New riverside garden graphics

This means NEW DIRT, everybody. Exciting, right? The old dirt was a dark brown that was pretty unappetizing. Now it’s just your regular dirt colour. What a solid improvement, eh? Also there are some new lights at the loading dock and whatever.

  • Totally NEW DOORS on Riverside!
  • This means glass doors, part glass doors (stick your mirror cam through), different colored doors, etc!

This is a biggie. There’s a good variety of different doors now. Most have a glass viewing panel in the middle that’s perfect for shooting out and lobbing a grenade or inserting your camera through. Plus, all doors now have real working hinges that make a neat gap you can see and shoot through.

The new doors suit their surroundings more and, just like the lighting, add to the illusion that the building is real. SBG doesn’t want to make ‘gamey’ environments, which is why so much effort has been spent on architectural design and details like door hinges.

A player spots an intruder through the door hinge gap

And not only do they look rad, the glass door panels make gameplay more complex, particularly in highly contested areas like ‘server room’.

An intruder sticking his camera stick through the hole in the server room door
Rather than walking straight into that deathtrap, now you can make an educated decision before even opening the door
  • Post processing effects and Anti-Aliasing! (FINALLY)
  • Post processing effects and reflections can be enabled/disabled from the options menu, it is a good idea to disable them if your computer is strugglin’
  • Otherwise, massive riverside graphics optimizations should have it running better than ever
  • You’ll be able to use these post effects in your custom maps as well!!

Anti-aliasing has worked on-and-off again over different  versions of the game. It’s back for good now, better than ever, and a welcome improvement. But the post-processing effects – bloom and ambient occlusion, are really something else. They bring out details in the architecture and make everything look gorgeous.

Image from B1 spawn showing roof lights without post-processing and anti-aliasing
Post-processing and anti-aliasing OFF. Looks aight.
Image from B1 spawn showing roof lights WITH post-processing and anti-aliasing
Post-processing and anti-aliasing ON. Yeah.

With a decent PC that was getting more than 60 frames per second on version 86, you probably won’t notice a performance hit. So much was optimized that the new effects and optimizations work out about even. But if your PC can’t handle it, you can disable reflections, anti-aliasing, and post-processing from the options menu and get more FPS than ever. Even with these options disabled the game will still look nicer than it used to.

  • Shootable ceiling lights!

Gif of an Intruder shooting out lights in the basement

Isn’t that freaking cool? Certain lights in key areas of the map hum so you know you can shoot them out.  Really makes you feel like a spy.

  • Sweet new volumetric lights (it’s humid on the island)

The new volumetric effects on all of the lights lets you see the actual light beam or cone. I think it makes the game more cinematic and atmospheric.

  • Last Man Standing mode can now be activated via Tuning

Basically this means that you can set Last Man Standing mode to be active when starting a new server, rather than needing to use chat commands after joining the server. You can read more about tuning on the SuperbossGames wiki.

  • Shadows are no longer forced to low resolution
  • Will be releasing ReflectionProbe Manager
  • Will be releasing BoxSelect and distance light/object culling

Map-makers can make their maps pretty and performant too 🙂

  • bloons disabled for now

The bloons floated away while we were testing the new changes but they’ll be back in the next update.

  • Fixed clock hands so they go to the right time

It’s not well known that the riverside clocks are accurate to the time of day in-game and change round-to-round. Probably because they were a bit broken last version. Now they work again though, so that’s nice.

That’s the bulk of the changes you will actually notice. I didn’t mention some of the bug fixes because they don’t mean much to us regular players but rest assured everything is better 🙂


  • Totally NEW RIVERSIDE lighting and reflections
  • New and modified Riverside materials
  • New and modified Riverside props
  • New riverside garden graphics
  • Totally NEW DOORS on Riverside!
  • This means glass doors, part glass doors (stick your mirror cam through), different colored doors, etc!
  • Post processing effects and Anti-Aliasing! (FINALLY)
  • Post processing effects and reflections can be enabled/disabled from the options menu, it is a good idea to disable them if your computer is strugglin’
  • Otherwise, massive riverside graphics optimizations should have it running better than ever
  • You’ll be able to use these post effects in your custom maps as well!!
  • Shootable ceiling lights!
  • Sweet new volumetric lights (it’s humid on the island)
  • Last Man Standing mode can now be activated via Tuning

Map Maker

  • Shadows are no longer forced to low resolution
  • Will be releasing ReflectionProbe Manager
  • Will be releasing BoxSelect and distance light/object culling


  • bloons disabled for now


  • Fixed clock hands so they go to the right time
  • Added some blocking volumes
  • fixed layer check for pushing
  • more flexible door parenting
  • physics optimizations on props and levels
  • Garbage collection optimization and more caching
  • more optimizations
  • turned off GPU skinning
  • turning off graphic raycasters on UI that doesn’t need them
  • character collision optimizations
  • stickies shan’t touch a player
  • intense draw call/batch optimization
  • a lot of code cleanup
  • optimized muzzle flash lights
  • sun cycle won’t dumbly turn on by default


We love you long time.

–rob, rolig, and SpooKy

You can play Intruder V85 Now!

Hello world! Welcome once again to another Intruder blog post on Intruder’s newest update, V85! My name is SpooKy, and I will be taking you through this new update to intruder!

There are quite a few cool things in this update, even though most of the stuff in this patch are small fixes, so lets get right into the patch notes!

  • Turned off flare renderer until memory leak issue is solved by Unity, should no longer crash
  •  Anti drop shot added, moving between prone with gun tuck for a moment
  •   Add anti drop shot to standing up as well
  •  Slowed down prone animation speed
  •  Removed DX9 and added OpenGLCore to Windows builds
  •  32 and 64 bit releases of each build
  •  disables match mode when enabling LMS

Starting off, the flare renderer issue might be something you’re familiar with. This was the main reason for crashes in the last update and it looks like it has been finally fixed in this patch! If you do happen to crash on this new update though, make sure to send the crash report to Rob on Discord!

Next, perhaps the most important thing are the anti dropshotting measures.

If you’re unsure as to what dropshotting is, it’s basically when you go from a standing position or crouched position to a prone position and shoot on your way down, and while on the ground, to make yourself harder to hit.

Dropshotting a bloon on Riverside

Rob’s solution to this problem is to tuck in your gun everytime you go prone so that you can’t shoot. It works rather well!

He has also added something else to work against “riseshotting” which is basically the same thing as dropshotting except you are going from prone to standing to make people unable to headshot you easily.

Riseshotting a bloon on Riverside

32 and 64 bit editions of the game are also now out there so check what your computer uses and download the correct version!

Lets look at the rest of the small fixes, shall we?

  •  Objectives Tab images and description can be determined dynamically in map
  •  Map Maker ObjectiveTabSettings.cs added
  • Objective tab for Mountainside has been updated to show Mountainside objectives
  •  fixed bleeding on other players to hit ground at same frequency
  •  upped bleed rate
  •  add tuning parameter for ragdoll/feign death button: PlayerMovement.allowFeignDeath
  •  made red screen message when you’ve dealt reflective damage
  •  make ragdoll glass hit checks not hit the glass not its parent or root for more consistent window breaking
  •  added door angle max to MM
  •  don’t allow reflective in Last Man Standing mode
  •  made sure radio has blank tool tip
  •  a variety of other small fixes
  •  ping should display “ms” at that end

Lets start off with some great news for mapmakers!

You can now finally change the objective tab for your custom maps, so now you can show where objectives are on your map!

The objective tab for MadmanEpic’s map, Trainheist

Speaking of the objective tab, Mountainside has also now gotten a new objective tab to properly show where the objectives are!

The objective tab for MountainSide has finally been updated!

Another new thing is the tuning parameter for ragdolling. You can now disable ragdolling (feigning death) using PlayerMovement.allowFeignDeath on the tuning bar when making a server (or map)

Some more good news for Mapmakers, we can now change the door angle for doors. No more doors going through walls if you open them too much!

And finally, a tiny fix, on the team scoreboard, where the ping is, ms has been added next to the number to show that it is ping and not a random number

Ping now has ms written next to it!

Anywho, other than a few other tiny fixes, that is it for what I deem important for Intruder V85! Remember to hop onto the Subreddit and to join us on Discord to talk about all things Intruder! We hope you enjoy this patch and continue to tune in for more blog posts for future updates on Intruder! This has been SpooKy, signing off.


You can play Intruder V84 Now!

Hello world! Welcome back again to another blog post on Intruder’s new update, V84! My name is SpooKy, and I will be guiding you through this small patch to Intruder!

Now, there’s not much to go over in this update, considering it was more of a V83.5 but whatever, let’s hop right into it!

We’ll start with some new additions to the game!

New Additions

  • Controls tips for the new peeps and returning players!
  • Let’s you see context sensitive controls for things like doors, picking things up, interacting and weapons
  • Can be disabled from the options menu
  • You can now see player ping next to their name in the team menu!

Now, perhaps the most important thing in this update is the control tips. These show little tips for certain tools and things in the environment so that new players (and even some older players who haven’t played in a while) can get into the groove of the game’s controls.

Control tips showing the buttons for lockpicking and doors, at the bottom

If you feel that these control tips are too annoying, worry not! If you already know everything and you don’t need any tips you can turn them off easily in the options menu!

Options menu, showing the option for turning off or turning on the control tips.

Also mentioned in the patch notes are some additions to the team tab in-game, where it will now tell you the ping of each player in the match, just if you were wondering.

If you look at all the players, they have numbers next to the up and down arrows. That is their ping.

Well, with all the new additions discussed, we’ll move on over to the rest of the stuff!


  • Cleaned up team menu scaling and widened to fit in ping
  • Cutout collision and bullet penetration should be correct now, and you can shoot through the legs


  • Fixed clan/element name wrapping on score card
  • Mortar rotation should work properly again
  • Fixed bug where leaving a room would set the room population to 0 temporarily
  • Thanks to new error reporting, fixed tons of errors and small bugs and will be continuing to
  • Even better error reporting should allow us to fix more things faster

Not too much to comment on here, but mainly just some bug fixes by Rob and some changes to the Cardboard Cutout:

The cutouts, as mentioned in the patch notes, should have proper bullet penetration, and you can now properly shoot between the legs of the cutout. (RIP invincible cardboard, you will be missed)

A cardboard cutout, as seen in-game.

Anyway, that should be all of the things to go over for Intruder V84! We hope you enjoy this update! Remember to check out the Reddit for Intruder and hop into the Discord to talk about all things intruder! We hope you enjoy this update and continue to tune in for more blog posts for future updates on Intruder! This has been SpooKy, signing off.


Intruder Update V83 Is Out!

Hello world! My name is SpooKy and I’d like to quickly give an update on Intruders update, V83!

Now, perhaps we’re a little late on it (Late by a month) but it’s better now than never right?

Well anyway, lets jump right into it. Let’s start off with a bit of the actual patch notes, shall we? Here’s a snippet of the patch notes off of the Reddit post:


  • Added Spectator Info Blocks!
  • See the location, HP, and energy of all players while spectating
  • Also comes with nice legend for activating different spectator cam modes
  • Options menu available before logging in
  • Also, full options menu available in-game!!
  • sending bug to us automagically should help us debug faster
  • Sweet new error console! Press \ + tab to activate! Check this if anything goes crazy or use it to debug your custom maps!

Now, that was probably a lot to take in so we’ll go over some of the more important stuff in there.

The spectator blocks are looking great, and is definitely a help when you’re watching a competitive match of intruder and wanna see people’s position or just see their name while they’re walking around. These blocks also help you see the stats of the player you are spectating, such as their HP or their Energy.

Another thing in there was the options menu in game. This is super helpful so now you can slide sliders around for your mouse sensitivity in-game without having to guess random numbers with /ms [Number]

The ingame options menu, showing the mouse sensitivity and even the graphics.

Also, a big important thing for mapmakers, and just people who seem to attract in-game glitches in an unhealthy way, is the new error console! Pressing \ and tab on your keyboard at the same time will bring up this lil thing:

The console as seen in-game

If you run into a bug or glitch, take a screenshot of this console and send it to Rob in the Discord and he’ll be sure to help you out!

Now lets look at the rest of this section in the patch notes:

  • guns make click noises what you are out of ammo!
  • /cms will tell you your current mouse sensitivity
  • New Wind System makes predicting bullets in wind and gravity totally reliable at any distance! (Try SniperRange!)
  • changed wind to km/h in WindProxy and updates to accuracy of wind and affects bullets
  • Speed of sound added into effects + different low pass filters on weapons
  • We’ve also created a sweet Google Spreadsheet to that can predict exactly where bullets will go at any distance and wind speed, let me know in the chat if you want to check it out!
  • New bullet penetration system! Allows sniper bullets through normal doors. In custom levels can even allow regular bullets through walls and other objects. It’s pretty spicy.
  • Bullet penetration determined by object material and thickness

Alright so lets start off with the new wind system! Rob has added a new way to make prediction of bullet drop and bullet travel by wind better to calculate! He’s also released a new map to test out this new system! Try out SniperRange on your own custom server!


The Sniper Range map at the 300M mark


He’s also made a google spreadsheet to help calculate where bullets will go. Because when you’re in the heat of battle you want to be looking at a google spreadsheet. (You should still check it out tho, its pretty interesting!)

Gunshots now also factor in the speed of sound, so gunshots will be slightly delayed by a calculation of the time it would take for that sound to reach you if it were going by the speed of sound. Pretty fancy, right?

And perhaps the elephant in the room, the bullet penetration. You can now shoot through doors with a sniper. And yes it’s as crazy as it sounds. (You can snipe from B2 bridge doors to B1 hallway! Holy cow!) And of course Rob has also included a way for Mapmakers to include this in their maps and even make walls have this ability for bullet penetration. (Thanks Rob!)

A guard being shot through a door. (Check out those Custom Level Skins from Update 82!)

And finally we’ll end it off with a couple of small fixes and additions:


  • scroll speed on menu scroll views increased to reasonable level
  • only send name icon of voice chatting player if they are dead, not arrested
  • kill people upon end of match so you can hear chat
  • adjusted strength of CS gas how quick it attacks, plus better animation of blur
  • put feed in the middle instead of right side
  • changed main menu background
  • changed how projectile velocity works when on a Mover
  • made it so you can control the spotlight mortar from its screen in security room on Mountainside
  • put a light in Riverside elevator so you can see
  • adjusted Mountainside wind for new Wind System
  • took default wind off bullets unless there is a WindMaster
  • flag reaction to wind adjusted for new System
  • glass no longer smashes loudly when you join a room
  • sniper bullet trail made shooter
  • made sniper hearable from any distance
  • options load at start so everything is right even when testing maps
  • fixed the offset camera height of spectator cam


  • elevator on Riverside fixed!
  • fixed flub up between gas, decoy, and banana ammo from EquipmentManager
  • fixed charges not attaching to elevator
  • fixed weird bug with character motor still on if you start in spectate
  • removed tons of warnings and tiny bugs seen when testing debug console
  • fixed the knees on the intruder model
  • turned off reflective damage when shooting the dead
  • shooting through glass and computers at the same time works correctly now
  • fixed crazy door swing around when loading map
  • animations on activators finally reset properly
  • changed in-game timezone for news feed to load in UTC
  • fixed “blank” joined the mission glitch
  • fixed many room edges so you don’t have to jump over them
  • fixed double login glitch shown by Mei
  • fixed color of text based on username bug
  • sniper scope no longer visible floating when dead

Just some quick notes:

Now there is no more bleeding ears when joining servers! Huzzah! (No more loud glass break when joining server)

Also when the match ends, everyone will be killed so now you can hear people reacting to either your demise or your masterful play!

The sniper is now also audible from all distances, as a sniper should be when its unsuppressed… (Even though its still super loud)

The elevator on Riverside is finally fixed! No more shall we have to climb up ladders like some sort of plebs, we shall take the elevator, like kings!

Well, that happens to be it for all stuff I deem important on this update. Now of course, there’s a ton of other stuff you can check out, so if you’d like to see the full patch notes, check out the Reddit Post about it! Also, be sure to join us in the Discord to talk about all things Intruder! We hope you enjoy this update (even though it’s outdated now and you can’t enjoy it anymore but shh…) and continue to tune in for more blog posts on future updates for Intruder! This has been Spooky, signing off.






You can play Intruder V82 now

Rob released a new update for Intruder on Oct 23. Sorry we’re a little late posting here. If you follow the Intruder subreddit or our discord chat, this probably isn’t news to you anyway.

You can download the update from here. Of course, if you already have an older version installed, the game will prompt you to download the update by itself.

Changelog with pics and some notes on the changes is below.

Game changes
  • New Guard model, UVs (OMG this takes so damn long) and texture!
  • New Intruder UVs and texture (and slight model changes)
  • New skinning on guards and intruders
  • New smoothing groups on guards and intruders
  • We can now have custom player model materials/texture per map and custom map!
    So you could have a mountain map with snow camo or a rainy map with special amphibian boots!
  • New cardboard cutout models will also take on custom materials
  • Guards now have brown eyes by default, but change them to whatever you want!
  • Mortar ammo can be limited now
  • Mortar ammo on Mountainside limited to 5 per mortar, spotlight is still infinite
  • Mortars updated to new graphics in custom maps now
  • Reflective damage mode added! This means if you shoot your teammate, you take the damage instead of them. You can enable it when you create a room.
  • You can now name your own rooms from the Create Room menu (as long as you’re not demoted)
  • Glass now breaks easier from ragdolls
  • Fixed/removed being able to zoom out when using the normal ragdoll camera.
  • Fixed mirror camera turning bug that made it all janky and stuff. Now it’s buttery smooth again.
  • Update to Unity 5.6.4p1 should hopefully make the game more stable for some users

Several awesome players have already started working on custom character textures.

Map maker changes
  • Updated to version 1.08. Use Unity 5.6.4p1 now.
  • Security cameras added for easy use!
    It’s always been possible to make security cameras yourself with a bit of magic and now that magic is done for you.
  • Mortars have ammo variable
  • Ragdolls can now trigger activators on enter
  • CustomMapSkins class added for loading in your custom Guard and Intruder materials/textures
  • Changed message if map doesn’t load when testing to remind you to remove spaces from the directory.
    Seemingly almost all new map makers were leaving spaces in their project path, so this change should help 🙂
  • New version of Photon and networking
  • Colored warnings for TKs and custom tuning on rooms or maps
  • Fixed underwater fog in custom maps

But that’s not all!

New doors and other niceties will be coming to Map Maker this week (hopefully), but you won’t need to update your game for that — just Map Maker. We will let you know. As always the best place to go for help with map maker is the #mapmaker channel on discord.

May you arrest 1000 enemies.


Hello world!

Welcome to the new Superboss Games Blog! We’re going to try to get as much posting here as possible with new updates on Intruder, Map Maker, and the like. If you are interested in becoming an editor let us know!
