You can play Intruder V84 Now!

Hello world! Welcome back again to another blog post on Intruder’s new update, V84! My name is SpooKy, and I will be guiding you through this small patch to Intruder!

Now, there’s not much to go over in this update, considering it was more of a V83.5 but whatever, let’s hop right into it!

We’ll start with some new additions to the game!

New Additions

  • Controls tips for the new peeps and returning players!
  • Let’s you see context sensitive controls for things like doors, picking things up, interacting and weapons
  • Can be disabled from the options menu
  • You can now see player ping next to their name in the team menu!

Now, perhaps the most important thing in this update is the control tips. These show little tips for certain tools and things in the environment so that new players (and even some older players who haven’t played in a while) can get into the groove of the game’s controls.

Control tips showing the buttons for lockpicking and doors, at the bottom

If you feel that these control tips are too annoying, worry not! If you already know everything and you don’t need any tips you can turn them off easily in the options menu!

Options menu, showing the option for turning off or turning on the control tips.

Also mentioned in the patch notes are some additions to the team tab in-game, where it will now tell you the ping of each player in the match, just if you were wondering.

If you look at all the players, they have numbers next to the up and down arrows. That is their ping.

Well, with all the new additions discussed, we’ll move on over to the rest of the stuff!


  • Cleaned up team menu scaling and widened to fit in ping
  • Cutout collision and bullet penetration should be correct now, and you can shoot through the legs


  • Fixed clan/element name wrapping on score card
  • Mortar rotation should work properly again
  • Fixed bug where leaving a room would set the room population to 0 temporarily
  • Thanks to new error reporting, fixed tons of errors and small bugs and will be continuing to
  • Even better error reporting should allow us to fix more things faster

Not too much to comment on here, but mainly just some bug fixes by Rob and some changes to the Cardboard Cutout:

The cutouts, as mentioned in the patch notes, should have proper bullet penetration, and you can now properly shoot between the legs of the cutout. (RIP invincible cardboard, you will be missed)

A cardboard cutout, as seen in-game.

Anyway, that should be all of the things to go over for Intruder V84! We hope you enjoy this update! Remember to check out the Reddit for Intruder and hop into the Discord to talk about all things intruder! We hope you enjoy this update and continue to tune in for more blog posts for future updates on Intruder! This has been SpooKy, signing off.


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