You can play Intruder V85 Now!

Hello world! Welcome once again to another Intruder blog post on Intruder’s newest update, V85! My name is SpooKy, and I will be taking you through this new update to intruder!

There are quite a few cool things in this update, even though most of the stuff in this patch are small fixes, so lets get right into the patch notes!

  • Turned off flare renderer until memory leak issue is solved by Unity, should no longer crash
  •  Anti drop shot added, moving between prone with gun tuck for a moment
  •   Add anti drop shot to standing up as well
  •  Slowed down prone animation speed
  •  Removed DX9 and added OpenGLCore to Windows builds
  •  32 and 64 bit releases of each build
  •  disables match mode when enabling LMS

Starting off, the flare renderer issue might be something you’re familiar with. This was the main reason for crashes in the last update and it looks like it has been finally fixed in this patch! If you do happen to crash on this new update though, make sure to send the crash report to Rob on Discord!

Next, perhaps the most important thing are the anti dropshotting measures.

If you’re unsure as to what dropshotting is, it’s basically when you go from a standing position or crouched position to a prone position and shoot on your way down, and while on the ground, to make yourself harder to hit.

Dropshotting a bloon on Riverside

Rob’s solution to this problem is to tuck in your gun everytime you go prone so that you can’t shoot. It works rather well!

He has also added something else to work against “riseshotting” which is basically the same thing as dropshotting except you are going from prone to standing to make people unable to headshot you easily.

Riseshotting a bloon on Riverside

32 and 64 bit editions of the game are also now out there so check what your computer uses and download the correct version!

Lets look at the rest of the small fixes, shall we?

  •  Objectives Tab images and description can be determined dynamically in map
  •  Map Maker ObjectiveTabSettings.cs added
  • Objective tab for Mountainside has been updated to show Mountainside objectives
  •  fixed bleeding on other players to hit ground at same frequency
  •  upped bleed rate
  •  add tuning parameter for ragdoll/feign death button: PlayerMovement.allowFeignDeath
  •  made red screen message when you’ve dealt reflective damage
  •  make ragdoll glass hit checks not hit the glass not its parent or root for more consistent window breaking
  •  added door angle max to MM
  •  don’t allow reflective in Last Man Standing mode
  •  made sure radio has blank tool tip
  •  a variety of other small fixes
  •  ping should display “ms” at that end

Lets start off with some great news for mapmakers!

You can now finally change the objective tab for your custom maps, so now you can show where objectives are on your map!

The objective tab for MadmanEpic’s map, Trainheist

Speaking of the objective tab, Mountainside has also now gotten a new objective tab to properly show where the objectives are!

The objective tab for MountainSide has finally been updated!

Another new thing is the tuning parameter for ragdolling. You can now disable ragdolling (feigning death) using PlayerMovement.allowFeignDeath on the tuning bar when making a server (or map)

Some more good news for Mapmakers, we can now change the door angle for doors. No more doors going through walls if you open them too much!

And finally, a tiny fix, on the team scoreboard, where the ping is, ms has been added next to the number to show that it is ping and not a random number

Ping now has ms written next to it!

Anywho, other than a few other tiny fixes, that is it for what I deem important for Intruder V85! Remember to hop onto the Subreddit and to join us on Discord to talk about all things Intruder! We hope you enjoy this patch and continue to tune in for more blog posts for future updates on Intruder! This has been SpooKy, signing off.


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