Intruder Clans
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The following is a list of active and inactive clans for the game Intruder. The usernames in the sublist are members of said clan. Names that are in bold are players that have participated in tournaments, competitive matches, and official events. Names that have a line through them in the active clans section are members that have left said clan.
- Ravenshield - 2014
- Men with Excellent Hats - 2014
- Moist Candle Man-handlers - 2017
- Rogue Spear - 2017
- Rekedens
- SuperKermit
- DennBo
- Lopez
- antshin
- Crouching Tiger Hidden Moron - 2017
- MadmanEpic
- SansTheMLG
- Shootershj
- Skurdge
- BenTime
- Boxhound(Briefly known as Lionclaw) - 2017
- Finnamans
- Polybius
- Thistayolorisadude
- Add13UK
- Fin
- Foxhound(Merged with Rogue Spear)2014 - 2017
- Rekedens
- SebastianTheCrab
- Thisisnotatag
- SavageSammich
- Lopez
- Dregas
- Battle-Bots Corp 2016 - ???
- rorydq
- Demonsheep11
- Yabba
- Team Dimensional Breach 2014 - 2015
- FleshyPig
- Maxwell218
- platypuspancakes
- Salad Snake 2014 - ???
- Titanic Trio 2014 - 2014
- The Boys in the Stealth Pyjamas 2014 - 2014
- BluPigs 2014 - 2014
- Ultra Super Turbo EX2 Plus: Tournament Edition 2014 - 2014
Forum Signatures
Classic Foxhound Signature - 2014
Foxhound Signature - 2015
Classic Ravenshield Signature - 2014
Ravenshield Signature - 2015
Chode Beggars - 2014
Foxdie Ravenblade - 2015
Men with Excellent Hats - 2017
Moist Candle Man-Handlers - 2017
Beastie Squad - ???