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In this article you can read about the controls in "Project Stormos" and "Intruder".

Project Stormos

In Project Stormos you can control the main character "Robbo" with the keyboard, but gamepads are supported as well. It uses the typical control scheme for a 2d jump'n'run, if you press "a" or "d" Robbo walks left or right. Robbo's special abilites are controlled with "j","k", and "l". Press "k" to jump and perform a dash with "l" (note: your dashes are limited to a maximum of 3. you get more dashes if you dash through a orange orb or slash ione with your sword ("j"). Your dashes are displayed with green orbs sourrounding you. If you have no dashes left, you'll also get a dash by standing on a platform. You control Robbo's dash direction with "W","S","A" and "D".


   WASD - move
   Shift - crouch
   Alt - prone
   Q and E - lean
   1 through 0 - tools and weapons
   ~ - hands mode
   F - radio
   Scroll Wheel - open door
       -forward to push
       -backwards to pull
   V - pick up/use
       -use for picking up briefcases
       -use for elevator buttons
       -use for picking up/disabling remote charges or sensors
   M - menu
       -use for switching teams
       -use for returning to base
       -use for adjusting volume/s
       You cannot fire while the menu is open
   [ and ] - adjust mouse sensitivity