Intruder Clans

From Superboss Games Wiki
Revision as of 17:07, 14 May 2017 by Vectrex720 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==About== The following is a list of active and inactive clans for the game Intruder. The sublist are members of said clan. Names that are in bold are players that have partic...")
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The following is a list of active and inactive clans for the game Intruder. The sublist are members of said clan. Names that are in bold are players that have participated in tournaments, competitive matches, and official events. Names that have a line through them in the active clans section are members that have left said clan.


  • Ravenshield 2014
    • OpticalF3ar
    • R3vo
    • LavaTramp
    • Dongers7878
    • Spy
    • Vectrex720
  • Men with Excellent Hats - 2014
    • Granate07/Gramstaal
    • Kahvikone
    • Bringer
    • Vectrex720
  • Actual Ducks - 2017
    • Viotech3
    • Bmanrules
  • Acoustic Children - 2017
    • Ghotty
    • mookae5
    • CamKiller
    • Ridley
    • Goeliath
    • codej
    • lando
    • mikespamm
  • Rogue Spear - 2017


  • Foxhound(Merged with Rogue Spear)2014 - 2017
    • Rekedens
    • SebastianTheCrab
    • Thisisnotatag
    • SavageSammich
    • Lopez
    • Dregas
  • Battle-Bots Corp 2016 - ???
    • rorydq
    • KDHD
    • Demonsheep11
    • Yabba
  • Team Dimensional Breach 2014 - 2015
    • FleshyPig
    • Maxwell218
    • platypuspancakes

Forum Signatures

Classic Foxhound Signature - 2014

2014 Classic Foxhound.png

Foxhound Signature - 2015

2015 Foxhound Sig.png

Classic Ravenshield Signature - 2014

2014 Classic Ravenshield Signature.png

Ravenshield Signature - 2015

2015 Ravenshield Signature.png

Beastie Squad - ???

Beastie Squad.png