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== Patch 450 & 451 ==
This is the change log for [[Intruder]]. This has the most recent changes done to the game along with various terms that have been highlighted if more information is needed on them. Points that are italicized are mapmaker updates.
*Australian servers!
*new version of [[Photon]]
*[[Custom Maps]] can now be organized by category, popularity
*server list now shows the type of server with color coordination
*more obvious chat button
*Projectiles should move with [[Mover]]s, needs testing
*Certain [[Custom Maps]] will now be [[Ranked]] (tracking stats) or [[Unranked]] depending on category
*Let us know if you new map needs to be tagged as they will be [[Untagged]] by default
*warnings when entering [[Demoted]] servers
*[[Activator]]s can now be specified who can use by team in MM
*[[Activator]]s can now allow a team to win or a draw in MM! Make your own Objectives!
*[[Mover]]s now have [[playAtRoundStart]] variable to specify an animation to play at the beginning of the round
*[[Mover]]s can lock player inertia to them for easier platforms to stand on, moving object, etc
*you no longer need to put your saved levels into the Content/Levels folder
*new levels can also be saved on any drive
*Small feature additions and bug fixes
== Patch 449 ==
*[[Custom Maps]] making and loading!!! link https://superbossgames.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=2030
*Launch [[Intruder]] from the [[IntruderMM]]
*In-game [[Custom Map]] browser which also allows you to start your own server!
*Sort buttons in the [[Custom Map]] browser, by name, author, and last updated. Default is last updated.
*Smooth cinema [[Camera]] [[Controls]] in [[Spectator]] mode for nice video shots. Press F2 to toggle on. [[Prone]] will activate slow movement as well.
*New sounds effects for the [[SMG]] and [[Pistol]]
*New thick particle effects for the gunfire and impacts
*New blood particle effects
*New explosion particle effects
*Fire mode on the [[SMG]] now saves #FullAutoDefault
*[[SMG]] switched to 2-shot burst
*Walk speed increased when aiming down sights
*Cinematic screenshake and blur effects when near explosions
*New first person animation system, including landing from a high height animation
*New [[Shield]] 3d model
*New recoil systems for more advanced balance dynamics
*New cleaner menu GUI
*[[Ziplines]]! available in [[Custom Maps]]
*Cache size and clear cache for [[Custom Maps]] content in the [[Options]] menu
*Elevator and moving object position syncing, so your teammates don't sink through the floor
*[[Banana]] initial sync issues fixed
*[[Red Dot]] made more menacing
*[[Reindeer]] holiday hat! use /rudolph 1 in game
*Close [[Keypad]] with right click/fire 2
*Fixed [[Shield]] collisions so bullets no longer occasionally pass through, much more effective!
*Faster connection time to all servers
*More [[Cliffside]] deathzones
*More [[Riverside]] deathzones
*Inside care deathzones
*Easier to read [[binocs]] HUD
*Fixed ammo -1 glitch
*Fixed infinite [[Inventory]] glitch
*Fixed occasional trigger bug
*Fixed some ragdoll velocity bugs
*Fixed door handle texture
*Fixed double click login screen bug
*Fixed bug where you could not assign certain items to the = shortcut key in the inventory
*Advanced activator allowing for dynamic interactable level objects in MM
*Doors and windows in [[IntruderMM]]
*Physics object to [[IntruderMM]]
*Reload levels while in game to [[IntruderMM]]
*Pickups in [[IntruderMM]]
*Ladders in [[IntruderMM]]
*Skyboxes, render settings, and lightprobes to [[IntruderMM]]
*Briefcases in [[IntruderMM]]
*Goal points in [[IntruderMM]]
*Destructibles in [[IntruderMM]]
*Ziplines in [[IntruderMM]]
*Animated movers in [[IntruderMM]]
*Hide on start script to [[IntruderMM]]
*Tags and layers auto assigned in [[IntruderMM]]
*Keyboard shortcuts for export, play, etc
*Uploading of custom levels
*Water height in editor
*Custom doors in [[IntruderMM]
*Observer camera position in [[IntruderMM]]
*Sliding doors/windows in [[IntruderMM]]
*Mortar in [[IntruderMM]]
*Underwater sound control in [[IntruderMM]]
*Equipment manager in [[IntruderMM]], choose weapons per team, ammo, etc
*Gravity settings per level in [[IntruderMM]]
*Auto level clean up in [[IntruderMM]] for audio listeners, cameras, and other unwanted scripts
*Windzones and flags in [[IntruderMM]]
*[[Keypad]] in [[IntruderMM]]
*Notes in [[IntruderMM]]
*Offline level testing in [[IntruderMM]]
*Console command to reload offline test level /res
*Zipline dangle amount in [[IntruderMM]]
*Layer switch script in [[IntruderMM]]
*Don't let upload until compiling finished in [[IntruderMM]]
*Inertia settings for movers in [[IntruderMM]]
*Sound settings for 3d voice and footstep sounds in [[IntruderMM]]
*Spawn prefabs in [[IntruderMM]]
==[[Build 1767]]==
* Room bans/black listing can be issued per room by room creators/admins (via the player profile cards)
* All round reflective damage is the default when creating rooms (you can turn it off via the drop down)
* Either crouch or shift will speed up spectator cam movement
* Server browser fix for when we have > 100 rooms (if you had trouble finding a friend's room recently)
* A bunch of UI and other small fixes
==Patch 447 & 448==
==[[Build 1762]]==
*Super [[Binocs]]
* Objective icons have been added and can be seen when spectating making it easier to understand where these objectives sit on a particular map.
*Press 'x' to change fire mode
*Can send pictures to other teammates with [[binocs]]
*Can use as [[Radio]]
*New Halloween hat, [[Jack]], use /jack 1
*Jumping while standing or running now transmits footstep sounds cross network
*Landing from the air also transmits sound now, but only when standing on land. So if you crouch on landing it will be silent.
*Some level optimizations
*Fixed [[Radio]] bug when clicking too fast
*Fixed water super speed bug
*Small fixes and changes
*Menu now shows connection status in red or green
*Fixes to 447 bugs
*Now with more potassium
Patch 446
==[[Build 1759]]==
* Unlockables have been added
* Hats are now unlocked rather than available to all players
* Chairs are now synced between clients allowing a player to be ragdolled by a chair flying through time and space due to an explosion. It is still unknown why the chair doesn't simply turn to dust but weirder things happen on this island.
* Briefcase icon is removed when you go into spectator mode
* You can now see LMS zones through the sniper scope
* You no longer get stuck on small bumps that cause you to move slowly across a surface
* Round timers now display correctly in IntruderMM
* Ragdoll camera view can no longer look through doors or walls
* Slit windows in Riverside B2 have been narrowed to prevent players from squeezing through
* Walking over a friendly grenade will no longer cause reflective damage
* Reflective damage from grenades is more consistent
* CS gas now affects all other players in LMS game mode
* Sensors and remote charge positions are now synced up between players
* New visuals for capture zones
* IntruderMM Updates
** IntruderMM 2.05 Preview shown off
*movement speed bugs with water and aiming fixed
==[[Build 1648]]==
*/volume added. /volume 1 is default
* New website. IntruderFPS.com
*some new under level deathzones on [[Cliffside]]
* Player progression/stats have been added
*some bug fixes with console [[Commands]]
* Match end summary reports for items the player has been awarded XP for will display at the end of a match
* Riverside B2 Alt & Riverside B1 Push have been added
* New briefcase icon appears as part of your HUD when you have the package
* New sound effect when you pick up or drop the briefcase
* Riverside elevator floor display working again
* End of match observe cam placement fixed for custom maps
* Lockpick tooltip removed for doors which can't be lockpicked
* Round timer display bug fixes
* Music added to tutorial
* Getting a draw on practice rounds no longer repeats the practice round
* Use map changes to get to alternate Riverside modes instead of /lms or objective change button
* Various tiny UI bug fixes
* Mouse sensitivity bug when getting CS gassed and quitting fix
* Slowmo mode will no longer affect the map vote screen
* Various workshop map loading and server connection fixes
* Cliffside roof security system upgrade
* IntruderMM Updates
** Update to 2.04
** Hack gamemode has been added
** Raid has been updated to allow for up to 10 capture points and packages.
** Activators can now be used to lock or unlock doors in your map which can spice up gameplay and dynamically force strategy changes.
== Patch 445 ==
==[[Build 1533]]==
*Can't spectate other people while [[Arrested]]
* Guards have upgraded their arsenal with a new sidearm! The Shrike deals 25 damage, with very accurate hip fire and door penetration that falls off with distance.
*Press space 5 times to die while [[Arrested]]
* A new attachment, the laser sight, makes its debut on the Shrike! Use the <Fire Mode> keybind to turn the laser on of off.
*Auto team balancing, must be more [[Guards]]
* New empty animations for both pistols with matching sound effects to let you know you need to reload!
*Full mission names in server menu
*  Microphone saving and loading fixed, Remember to use your mic to communicate with your team!
*Admins have some extra controls
* IntruderMM Updates
*New [[AUG]] [[hat]]
** Added support for reverb and sound volumes (spooky vents coming soon).
*Added chat and forum buttons to menu
** Equipment Sets makes it easy to customize equipment for both teams! The old equipment system is deprecated but still works so old maps still work!
*Added timeout message for login
** Pickups are updated to use Item Proxies which include the new Shrike pistol and Bush Camouflage!
*Fixed some bugs
** Warning and confirmation popups so you know what's up when things aren't working.
*Death zones in [[Cliffside]]
==Patch 444==
deathzone so you can't go under level
slip zone so you can't go under building
another slip zone so can't go under on other side
can't jump back into server room vent
fixed some windows
prevented double pick ups from happening
new hat for AUGs, again!
Patch 443
new version of photon
new version of unity3d
new forum and chat buttons added to the main menu
minor glitch fixes
exclamation point hat for AUGs
can change anti aliasing with the console command /aa with settings of 0, 2, 4 or 8
console command /stp automatically set resolution to 720p
console command /tep automatically set resolution to 1080p
Patch 442
fixed no splash
fixed going through floor again
small level changes
fixed server player count sometimes going empty
Patch 441
fixed keypad sound glitch
fixed fall through floor glitch
fixed red dot lighting
fixed red dot super hat, sorry ;*(
Patch 440
added AUG servers, join AUG here: http://bit.ly/IntruderAUG
demoted people now can only join Bravo and Saturn servers
red dot sight for the SMG, pick up and re-equip SMG, hold right click to zoom down sight
red dot pick ups added to both levels
new 3d model for the binocs
binocs now has range finding
scroll view on servers
standing up now makes you jump shorter
extra check to make sure you don't go through walls
console command for no logo /nologo
console commands for framerate limit /framelimit 60, vsync must be turned of to use this like /vsync 0
Patch 439
minor bug fix for network speed ups
Patch 438
View user profiles from the friends list or team menu by clicking the small "p" button next to their name
updated friends list
friends list now available in match
give likes or no likes to other players in game from the team menu
Patch 437
Friends list for all! Works like a charm, more on this later.
Patch 436
respawn on server join exploit no longer works
admins can now ban players
deathzones added to trouble spots
Patch 435
Menu fix for those having trouble logging in
Patch 434
auto-temp banned if you are punished enough
friends list testing for admins
some behind the scenes stuff >;D
Patch 432 + 433
added Goof hat using /goof 1. Use when you want to goof off with friends don't want to count team attacks against them. /goof 0 will re-enable normal play for you and TKs. PLEASE use this when you want to goof off with friends as we will be tracking TKs harder.
some private servers for admins
some bug fixes
Patch 431
Look and find out!
Patch 430
fixed one menu button on server select
Patch 429
new server browser that's let's you pick server with night/switched modes without an admin
clicking the server gives you the mission description
added change log button to login
added controls button to server menu
made sensor not go off when you are a dead man
make pushing over tk again
make sure hp is an int
escape will now exit the chat you are in
closed hole at top of elevator shaft
Patch 428
made /forgive not need to take a name, so you can just do /forgive
round end checks redone again
master resetting done again
exit to menu added to team pick screen
Patch 427
drowning ragdolls now work
totally redone check for game end scenarios
/st and /status will now give you a total status on the server, please use this in case of future freezes
Patch 426
can't poke camera through stickies anymore
turned physics iterations from 6 to 8
redid elevator check
redid game end check and respawn
redid door respawn
redid hack computer respawn
your rag doll now collides with cardboard guys
fixed spec camera position clamping
Patch 425
fixed game end message not appearing
added more servers
instructions appear when you get TK'd
/punish just now doesn't need username input
changed inGame IRC channel to #IntruderAgents
Patch 424
fixed lighting bug on riverside start
turned off /night and /day on cliffside
fixed in game patch number check
Patch 423
afk timer bumped up to 1 minute from round start
changed checks for round ending and restart
changed default server page to US
can't join server until JoinedLobby is the connection state
added /et for end round time
took off tking if no one is on the other team
added /mute instead of just /muteplayer
Patch 422
added more servers
added in-game restarting when new patch comes out
muting of a single player /muteplayer /whoismuted /unmute
added a forgive console command i.e. /forgive SoandSo
/servername will now also print the region of the server
use key now bindable in launch menu
small change to position sync script
added report for round length
shifted the dock cap point over a little
add deathzone by the mail room vent wall
changed reconnection scripts
Patch 421
made sure /punish puts people out for the next round as well
Patch 420
changed the round ending checks to be even more secure. Let us know if some rounds don't end.
ELEVATOR IS FIXED. The repair man came and everything seems to be in tip-top shape now.
Patch 419
Added deathzone on top of B2
various admin functions
Patch 418
Added auto-kick for AFK users
Patch 417
Alt-Tabbing or un-focusing the window results in setting the game to windowed mode, this prevent losing connection when alt-tabbing
Patch 416
changed chat address for inGame IRC so that it connects better
added deathzone to Riverside
made head hitbox slightly thinner
terrain on riverside slightly modified
Patch 415
spectating enabled for more users
if you somehow join a server which is full, you will be sent back to the server select instead of stalling on the level screen
Patch 414
made radio frequency response more realistic; 300hz to 3khz
added a check for game not ending after goal is reached on briefcase mode
added /rt console command to check how long the round is running
Patch 413
high pass filter on radio, for cool radio effect
Patch 412
made briefcases float slowly down in water
did check on briefcase to make sure it never leaves the game space
can no longer pick up briefcases at the end of the round
Patch 411
updated to Unity 4.3.4
redid occlusion on Riverside
Patch 410
fixed feign death at height thing
phasing through walls kills you and reports what wall you went through
Patch 409
covered weird cliff rock in garage
some passwords with special characters could be accepted now
small bug check in code
Patch 309 to 408
October to Jan 28, 2014
added connection status to server list
ejects players that stall their games too long
switches master player if they stall too long
game ending synced better and checked on to ensure rounds always end and restart
deathzones added to places where players shouldn't be or glitch to get to
some new console commands
new icon
[x] moving heads while voice chatting
[x] make global chat have spaces
[x] /bug and /report commands
[x] spectating positional audio
[x] multiple dead talking
- fixed briefcase bug
- fixed team change at spawn bug
- fixed team change message not showing when dead
- showing dead talk at end of round
lots of fixes
lots of fixes
lots of fixes
attacking team mate checks
InGame IRC spawns at login, not server
fixed a bug with unequiping weapons at level restart
added google analytics to disconnects and reasons
We can now use EU and US and Japan and Asia servers
[x] disconnect chat bug
[x] volume bug
Lowered tons of RPC optimized stuff, fixed a ton of HUD bugs, server disconnecting stuff and team selection and pre-server bugs
fixed news issue and issue with text not appearing
[x] dragging items into shortcuts
redone occlusions
[x] fixed bug where joining a server with ragged players would not rag those players
[x] santa hats, attachment script
[x] stop radio sounds when using keypad
[x] make sure you can't use binocs while in menu
[x] exit game, and shortcuts to inventory, object, and team tabs
[x] keypad to work with numpad
[x] fix wrong animations for radio or unequip
[x] added vsync console command
[x] redid occlusion
[x] moved sec camera slightly
fixed connection error that wouldn't spawn team select
binoculars can now take screenshots
3rd person pistol animations
Binoculars now in!
shortcuts now add image to shortcut grid
added quality settings, resolution, fullscreen, and mouse sensitivity to options menu
Patch 309
October 9th
[x] slip sound added back in
[x] add different material footsteps, like material manager
[x] voice chat bar in spec mode
[x] stall doors
[x] fix security room door offset
[x] gif of the week of jumping into the water
[x] no more racecar :(
[x] added force crouch and force prone functions
[x] look into the jumping prone position when getting up from rag
[x] rare briefcase bug when player joins
[x] make sure bullets hit players after hitting glass
[x] changes to bullet collisions
[x] prevent charges and grenades from going through walls
[x] make sure charges and sensors are always flat on the wall and don't go through
[x] fix computer bullets
[x] more frequent computer sparks
[x] change fall to death method, prevent pre-death jump
[x] fix the dock of death
[x] Colliders for tree in garden so raven doesn't make a nest
[x] take bullet collider off invis wall
[x] fix can't hear other dead players while arrested
[x] can't get up while moving in ragdoll
[x] jump after radgoll crouch
[x] talk to guys about dual signatures
[x] take out crushing for now
[x] changed player mask for standing up
[x] experiment with crushing
[x] make a stand up with more checks so you can't go through ceilings
[x] move vent lower above lab to prevent feet through
[x] don't let clocks contact players
[x] change bullet skinwidths to 1.1
[x] move crouch and prone to separate functions
[x] check on ragdoll syncing for feign death
[x] more accurate mirrorcam position and it won't go through walls
[x] fix negative balance on arrest
[x] don't allow people to object interact when ragged
[x] added force to feign death
[x] grenades in water splash
[x] underwater hum
[x] underwater fog on mirror cam
[x] put fog layer script into intruder
[x] put fog layer script into intruder
[x] underwater fog on mirror cam
[x] security camera limit the FPS
[x] shell fixed in 3rd person
[x] fix can't pickup pack off of another person
[x] turn off briefcase collider when picking up
[x] remove slipping from bathroom rail in b1
[x] shells coming out of the guns
[x] make it so you can't fly outside of the map
[x] make note on the table talking about Benn slip
[x] change mission images to updated screenshots
[x] texture building outside
[x] night menu button again
Patch 291
September 24th
- higher voice quality
- slanted windows fixed (not poking through roof)
- hit reactions
- briefcase changes at night
- night mode
- briefcase blocks bullets
- lots of bug fixes
Patch 280
September 5th
- lots of new textures
- new truck
- new dock goal placement
- updated network code
Patch 244-250
June 7th
- Users now log in with their forum names
- Weapons now have equip times
- News block for updates
- Fixed reload ammo bug
- IRC button in lower right
- Slipping on railings
- others small fixes and changes
Patch 242-243
May 3rd
- SMG Texture
- Sniper Texture
- Pistol Texture
Patch 236
April 24th, 2013
- blood effects added
- new decal system should prevent corner bullet weirdness and stretched decals
Patch 235
April 24th, 2013
- water fog when under water added
- unequip radio bug fixed with new unequip method
- no footsteps while swimming
- fixed death while swimming bug
- fixed smoke grenade visible with rag doll
- movement taken from joysticks, so there should be no accidental joystick input from other controllers
Patch 229-234:
April 23rd, 2013
- a few new 3d models added (clocks, calendars, maps)
- smoke grenade model changed
- lots of new textures
- level/culling optimizations
- some new glass on the B2 offices
- some couches added to the B1 board room
- computer screens in the security room
- basically everything in the level should have color at this point
Patch 228:
April 17th, 2013
- books added
- some changes to the level
- printer texture
- more doorframes
Patch 227:
April 17th, 2013
- added mission objective images to menu screen
- admins now have change objective button at the top to quickly switch between B1 and B2 raid missions
- sniper pickup disappearing bug should be solved
Patch 226:
April 15th, 2013
- /ping command added
- some alerts added to chat box instead of middle of the screen
- added player disconnect alert
- added player switch teams alert
- chat box made to hold more text
- chat input can hold many more characters now
- briefcase graphic changed
==[[Build 1489]]==
* When aiming down the sights of a weapon your field of view will lower smoothly rather than the instant shift present in previous builds. This should make it easier to stay focused on a target when switching from hip fire to aiming down the sights.
* Gun sway after aiming down sights has been greatly reduced making it easier to lock onto an enemy and take the shot before it's too late.
* A new option to choose whether or not your sensitivity is lowered when you aim down sights. (default from older builds is to have this enabled)
* FOV has been increased from 70 degrees vertical to 74 degrees vertical (106 degrees horizontal on 16:9).
* Default framerate is now uncapped with vsync turned off for extremely smooth aiming and shooting. Check the graphics options menu.
* Shooting an enemy or getting shot now has a distinct and gruesome hit sound along with a spray of blood indicating where the shot hit. Use this to your advantage to deduce where you or your teammate are getting shot from or confirming your own shots.
* Walking no longer reduces the rate of energy recovery so you don't need to stop and go in order to keep your energy up. Crouch-walking and running still drain your energy, but you can transition to walking instead of having to stop and rest.
* The amount of energy lost from shooting while moving has been lowered somewhat so you can take some shots while motion without draining all of your energy.
* Dropshotting in Intruder is now a thing of the past! If you drop to prone immediately after shooting or sprinting it will take longer for you to take your weapon back out to engage with the enemy.
* Dead bodies no longer spawn when someone joins a match mid-round. No more spooky bodies to startle you as you sneak out with the print room package!
* Hand signal sound priority has been fixed so it doesn't get drowned out on noisy maps.
* The default match mode is now best 3 or 5 rounds per set before a team switch on all maps except Mountainside.
* The Mountainside round timer has been reduced to 10 minutes.
* The LMS game mode now allows you to join any team regardless of team balance.
* The dreaded "Cliffside bug" as it were will now ask all players to reconnect. Auto-reconnect probably coming in the future.
* Oceanside Changes
** Shotgun added
** Sun added
** Round timer added
** Fixed collisions
** Wall chunking from bullet hits
** Trees actually light
** Bedroom ready for action
** Replaced those old crappy doors with the lovely new doors
** Getting hit by the van will kill you now
** Fixed water height issues
** Added reverb to cave
** Added nice light in guard spawn
[[Category: Intruder]]
[[Category: Intruder]]
[[Category: IntruderMM]]
[[Category: IntruderMM]]

Latest revision as of 13:36, 27 February 2021

This is the change log for Intruder. This has the most recent changes done to the game along with various terms that have been highlighted if more information is needed on them. Points that are italicized are mapmaker updates.

Build 1767

  • Room bans/black listing can be issued per room by room creators/admins (via the player profile cards)
  • All round reflective damage is the default when creating rooms (you can turn it off via the drop down)
  • Either crouch or shift will speed up spectator cam movement
  • Server browser fix for when we have > 100 rooms (if you had trouble finding a friend's room recently)
  • A bunch of UI and other small fixes

Build 1762

  • Objective icons have been added and can be seen when spectating making it easier to understand where these objectives sit on a particular map.

Build 1759

  • Unlockables have been added
  • Hats are now unlocked rather than available to all players
  • Chairs are now synced between clients allowing a player to be ragdolled by a chair flying through time and space due to an explosion. It is still unknown why the chair doesn't simply turn to dust but weirder things happen on this island.
  • Briefcase icon is removed when you go into spectator mode
  • You can now see LMS zones through the sniper scope
  • You no longer get stuck on small bumps that cause you to move slowly across a surface
  • Round timers now display correctly in IntruderMM
  • Ragdoll camera view can no longer look through doors or walls
  • Slit windows in Riverside B2 have been narrowed to prevent players from squeezing through
  • Walking over a friendly grenade will no longer cause reflective damage
  • Reflective damage from grenades is more consistent
  • CS gas now affects all other players in LMS game mode
  • Sensors and remote charge positions are now synced up between players
  • New visuals for capture zones
  • IntruderMM Updates
    • IntruderMM 2.05 Preview shown off

Build 1648

  • New website. IntruderFPS.com
  • Player progression/stats have been added
  • Match end summary reports for items the player has been awarded XP for will display at the end of a match
  • Riverside B2 Alt & Riverside B1 Push have been added
  • New briefcase icon appears as part of your HUD when you have the package
  • New sound effect when you pick up or drop the briefcase
  • Riverside elevator floor display working again
  • End of match observe cam placement fixed for custom maps
  • Lockpick tooltip removed for doors which can't be lockpicked
  • Round timer display bug fixes
  • Music added to tutorial
  • Getting a draw on practice rounds no longer repeats the practice round
  • Use map changes to get to alternate Riverside modes instead of /lms or objective change button
  • Various tiny UI bug fixes
  • Mouse sensitivity bug when getting CS gassed and quitting fix
  • Slowmo mode will no longer affect the map vote screen
  • Various workshop map loading and server connection fixes
  • Cliffside roof security system upgrade
  • IntruderMM Updates
    • Update to 2.04
    • Hack gamemode has been added
    • Raid has been updated to allow for up to 10 capture points and packages.
    • Activators can now be used to lock or unlock doors in your map which can spice up gameplay and dynamically force strategy changes.

Build 1533

  • Guards have upgraded their arsenal with a new sidearm! The Shrike deals 25 damage, with very accurate hip fire and door penetration that falls off with distance.
  • A new attachment, the laser sight, makes its debut on the Shrike! Use the <Fire Mode> keybind to turn the laser on of off.
  • New empty animations for both pistols with matching sound effects to let you know you need to reload!
  • Microphone saving and loading fixed, Remember to use your mic to communicate with your team!
  • IntruderMM Updates
    • Added support for reverb and sound volumes (spooky vents coming soon).
    • Equipment Sets makes it easy to customize equipment for both teams! The old equipment system is deprecated but still works so old maps still work!
    • Pickups are updated to use Item Proxies which include the new Shrike pistol and Bush Camouflage!
    • Warning and confirmation popups so you know what's up when things aren't working.

Build 1489

  • When aiming down the sights of a weapon your field of view will lower smoothly rather than the instant shift present in previous builds. This should make it easier to stay focused on a target when switching from hip fire to aiming down the sights.
  • Gun sway after aiming down sights has been greatly reduced making it easier to lock onto an enemy and take the shot before it's too late.
  • A new option to choose whether or not your sensitivity is lowered when you aim down sights. (default from older builds is to have this enabled)
  • FOV has been increased from 70 degrees vertical to 74 degrees vertical (106 degrees horizontal on 16:9).
  • Default framerate is now uncapped with vsync turned off for extremely smooth aiming and shooting. Check the graphics options menu.
  • Shooting an enemy or getting shot now has a distinct and gruesome hit sound along with a spray of blood indicating where the shot hit. Use this to your advantage to deduce where you or your teammate are getting shot from or confirming your own shots.
  • Walking no longer reduces the rate of energy recovery so you don't need to stop and go in order to keep your energy up. Crouch-walking and running still drain your energy, but you can transition to walking instead of having to stop and rest.
  • The amount of energy lost from shooting while moving has been lowered somewhat so you can take some shots while motion without draining all of your energy.
  • Dropshotting in Intruder is now a thing of the past! If you drop to prone immediately after shooting or sprinting it will take longer for you to take your weapon back out to engage with the enemy.
  • Dead bodies no longer spawn when someone joins a match mid-round. No more spooky bodies to startle you as you sneak out with the print room package!
  • Hand signal sound priority has been fixed so it doesn't get drowned out on noisy maps.
  • The default match mode is now best 3 or 5 rounds per set before a team switch on all maps except Mountainside.
  • The Mountainside round timer has been reduced to 10 minutes.
  • The LMS game mode now allows you to join any team regardless of team balance.
  • The dreaded "Cliffside bug" as it were will now ask all players to reconnect. Auto-reconnect probably coming in the future.
  • Oceanside Changes
    • Shotgun added
    • Sun added
    • Round timer added
    • Fixed collisions
    • Wall chunking from bullet hits
    • Trees actually light
    • Bedroom ready for action
    • Replaced those old crappy doors with the lovely new doors
    • Getting hit by the van will kill you now
    • Fixed water height issues
    • Added reverb to cave
    • Added nice light in guard spawn