Room Tuning
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Tuning in Intruder refers to a server or Custom Map that uses a JSON script to change the rules of the game. Tuning scripts can modify various gameplay elements, including movement speed, health, clip size, gravity, and more. These Scripts can be pasted into the Tuning box in the Create Room page, or placed into a TuningProxy element while creating a map.
{ "MatchMode": { "element1Name": "", "element2Name": "", "roundsToWin": 3, "setsToWin": 2, "scrambleAfterXMatches": 1, "nextMapAfterXMatches": -1, "randomMapChange": false, "timerEnabled": true, "swapTeamsEverySet": true, "canArrestTeammates": false, "pingLimit": 1200, "pingLimitCheckTimes": 10 }, "GuardTuning": { To edit multiple weapons, copy and paste the 'Weapon' section and rename it to the corresponding weapon "Weapon": { After renaming, you can change each 'bool' or 'float' to your desired value "canUseOnLadder": bool, "canUseInWater": bool, "canUseUnderWater": bool, "canUseOnZipline": bool, "dropWhenRagged": bool, "hideOnRagdoll": bool, "fireRate": float, "fireRecoverRate": float, "fireDelayTime": float, "hasSemiAuto": bool, "hasFullAuto": bool, "hasBurstShot": bool, "maxClipAmmo": float, "reloadTime": float, "autoReload": bool, "reloadOnEquip": bool, "hasScope": bool, "canJumpFire": bool, "unequipOnEmpty": bool, "unequipDelay": float, "removeFromInventoryOnEmpty": bool, "equipTime": float, "advancedRecoil": bool, "hasStockRecoil": bool, "stockRecoilRecoverySpeed": float, "recoilBalance": float, "precoilBalance": float, "canFocusShot": bool, "noPrecoilZoomed": bool, "medHighEnergy": float, "lowMedEnergy": float, "aimDownSightsFov": float, "extraZoomingFov": float }, "CharacterMotor": { "jumping": { "baseHeight": 1, "extraHeight": 4.1, "perpAmount": 0, "steepPerpAmount": 0.5 }, "movement": { "maxForwardSpeed": 10, "maxSidewaysSpeed": 10, "maxBackwardsSpeed": 10, "maxGroundAcceleration": 30, "maxAirAcceleration": 20, "gravity": 9.8, "maxFallSpeed": 20 }, "sliding": { "slidingSpeed": 15, "sidewaysControl": 1, "speedControl": 0.4 } }, "PlayerLife": { "afkTime": 120, "defaultHP": 100, "defaultEnergy": 70, "defaultBalance": 100, "shouldRagdoll": true, "canRespawn": false, "defaultUnragTime": 3, "lowStamina": 40, "superLowStamina": 25, "lowStaminaUnragMod": 0.85, "superLowStaminaUnragMod": 1.6, "breathingThreshold": 15, "jumpBalance": 5, "standBalance": 50, "crouchBalance": 80, "proneBalance": 100, "standMoveBalance": 30, "standAimMoveBalance": 49, "crouchMoveBalance": 60, "crouchMoveAimBalance": 70, "proneMoveBalance": 90, "ziplineBalance": 50, "balanceDownSpeed": 10, "balanceUpSpeed": 2, "stanceEnergyEffect": [ 3, 3, 3, -10, -25, 0, 0, 3, -25, 0 ], "explosionAirKillDistance": 3, "bloodDripRate": 0.9, "bloodHPThreshold": 30 }, "PlayerMovement": { "leanAmount": 0.35, "speedWalk": 2.8, "speedStand": 3.4, "speedCrouch": 2.5, "speedProne": 1, "speedAim": 2.1, "speedAimCrouched": 1.75, "speedAimProne": 0.95, "runAnimSpeed": 1.1, "walkAnimSpeed": 0.6, "feignSpeed": 1, "stompHeight": 4, "canStomp": true, "fallHeightDeath": 13, "fallHeightFall": 4.3, "fallHeightCrouchMod": 2.3, "fallHeightLand": 1.9, "goombaMultiplier": 3, "jumpEnergyEffect": -20, "longJumpMaxSpeed": 5.5, "longJumpVelMultiplier": 3, "aimBobMod": 0.3, "crouchBobMod": 0.5, "proneBobMod": 0.5, "walkBobMod": 0.3, "runFootStepRate": 0.315, "walkFootStepRate": 0.5, "walkSoundMod": 0.5, "walkVolumeMod": 0.5, "walkDistanceMod": 0.5, "runVolumeMod": 1, "runDistanceMod": 1, "rigidGravity": 9.81, "allowFeignDeath": true }, "PlayerView": { "aimBobMod": 0.3, "crouchBobMod": 0.5, "proneBobMod": 0.5, "walkBobMod": 0.3, "lerpSpeed": 30 } }, "IntruderTuning": { Same format as GuardTuning }, "staminaDrainModifier": 0.5, "gunSwerveThreshold": 20, "updateStaminaRate": 0.1, "rigidGravity": 2.2, "energyToSwayOnMove": 70, "shouldCheckLives": false, "tuningMessage": "" }
Using a Tuning Generator
- Navigate to:
- After finishing editing the values copy the output. After you copy the script, you can paste it into the Tuning box in the Create Room page of the Server Browser.