Difference between revisions of "Template:IntruderMM Assets"

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m (Added the briefcase proxy script)
m (MotorProxy -> Mortar Proxy)
(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 6: Line 6:
| style="text-align: left;" style="background: #ccf;" | Prefabs
| style="text-align: left;" style="background: #ccf;" | Prefabs
| [[BriefcaseProxy]] - [[CustomDoorProxy]] - [[DoorProxy]] - [[EquipmentManager]] - [[GlassProxy]] - [[GoalPointProxy]] - [[Keypad]] - [[Ladder]] - [[LockedObject]] - [[MotorProxy]] - [[Mover Parent]] - [[NoteProxy]] - [[ObserveCamProxy]] - [[Pickup]] - [[RandomGunPickup]] - [[RandomItemPickup]] - [[SecuritySetup]] - [[SlidingDoor]] - [[SpawnA]] - [[SpawnB]] - [[WaterLevel]] - [[WindProxy]] - [[ZipLine]]
| [[BriefcaseProxy]] - [[CustomDoorProxy]] - [[DoorProxy]] - [[EquipmentManager]] - [[GlassProxy]] - [[GoalPointProxy]] - [[Keypad]] - [[Ladder]] - [[LockedObject]] - [[MortarProxy]] - [[Mover Parent]] - [[NoteProxy]] - [[ObserveCamProxy]] - [[Pickup]] - [[RandomGunPickup]] - [[RandomItemPickup]] - [[SecuritySetup]] - [[SlidingDoor]] - [[SpawnA]] - [[SpawnB]] - [[WaterLevel]] - [[WindProxy]] - [[ZipLine]] - [[Limits]]
| style="text-align: left;" style="background: #ccf;" | Scripts
| style="text-align: left;" style="background: #ccf;" | Scripts
| [[ActivateActivator]] - [[Activator]] - [[AdvancedMaterial]] - [[AnimateColor]] - [[BriefcaseProxy (Script)]] - [[CustomDoorProxy]] - [[CustomLevelSettings]] - [[CustomMapSkins]] - [[DestructibleProxy]] - [[DoorProxy]] - [[EquipmentManager]] - [[GlassProxy]] - [[GoalPointProxy]] - [[GravityProxy]] - [[HideOnStart]] - [[KeypadProxy]] - [[LayerProxy]] - [[LockedObject]] - [[MaterialManager]] - [[MotorProxy]] - [[Mover]] - [[NoteProxy]] - [[ObjectiveTabSettings]] - [[ObjectTagger]] - [[ObserveCamProxy]] - [[PickupProxy]] - [[PlayAudio]] - [[ReplaceAll]] - [[ResetProxy]] - [[ScrollingUVs]] - [[SecurityRoom]] - [[SecurityScreen]] - [[SetTagsAndLayers]] - [[SoundSettings]] - [[TimedObjectDestroyer]] - [[TuningProxy]] - [[WindProxy]] - [[ZiplineProxy]]
| [[ActivateActivator]] - [[Activator]] - [[AdvancedMaterial]] - [[AnimateColor]] - [[BriefcaseProxy (Script)]] - [[CustomDoorProxy]] - [[CustomLevelSettings]] - [[CustomMapSkins]] - [[DestructibleProxy]] - [[DoorProxy]] - [[EquipmentManager]] - [[GlassProxy]] - [[GoalPointProxy]] - [[GravityProxy]] - [[HideOnStart]] - [[IgnoreSticky]] - [[KeypadProxy]] - [[LayerProxy]] - [[LockedObject]] - [[MaterialManager]] - [[MortarProxy]] - [[Mover]] - [[NoteProxy]] - [[ObjectiveTabSettings]] - [[ObjectTagger]] - [[ObserveCamProxy]] - [[PickupProxy]] - [[PlayAudio]] - [[ReplaceAll]] - [[ResetProxy]] - [[ScrollingUVs]] - [[SecurityRoom]] - [[SecurityScreen]] - [[SetTagsAndLayers]] - [[SoundSettings]] - [[TimedObjectDestroyer]] - [[TuningProxy]] - [[WindProxy]] - [[World Screen Object]] - [[ZiplineProxy]]
| style="text-align: left;" style="background: #ccf;" | Level/Maps
| style="text-align: left;" style="background: #ccf;" | Level/Maps

Revision as of 12:00, 18 November 2024