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This article is a stub about ZiplineProxy. You can help the Intruder wiki by expanding it.

Zipline Proxies allow map makers to move the blocks representing the start and end points of the zip line to determine where it goes. A line will be rendered between the two when the level is played in-game. The 'Number of Vertices' and 'Max Gravity Dangle' settings allow you to modify how the zipline will droop. Negative speed settings are not advised.

IntruderMM Assets
Items Name
Prefabs BriefcaseProxy - CustomDoorProxy - DoorProxy - EquipmentManager - GlassProxy - GoalPointProxy - Keypad - Ladder - LockedObject - MotorProxy - Mover Parent - NoteProxy - ObserveCamProxy - Pickup - RandomGunPickup - RandomItemPickup - SecuritySetup - SlidingDoor - SpawnA - SpawnB - WaterLevel - WindProxy - ZipLine - Limits
Scripts ActivateActivator - Activator - AdvancedMaterial - AnimateColor - BriefcaseProxy (Script) - CustomDoorProxy - CustomLevelSettings - CustomMapSkins - DestructibleProxy - DoorProxy - EquipmentManager - GlassProxy - GoalPointProxy - GravityProxy - HideOnStart - KeypadProxy - LayerProxy - LockedObject - MaterialManager - MotorProxy - Mover - NoteProxy - ObjectiveTabSettings - ObjectTagger - ObserveCamProxy - PickupProxy - PlayAudio - ReplaceAll - ResetProxy - ScrollingUVs - SecurityRoom - SecurityScreen - SetTagsAndLayers - SoundSettings - TimedObjectDestroyer - TuningProxy - WindProxy - World Screen Object - ZiplineProxy
Level/Maps Target - SniperRange - Demo